〜Dear Student & Volunteer,〜
Me here, SUSIL PANT , born Gaikhur-6 Palumtar district in year 1976. After finishing my degree, I am involving in tourism since 1999AD. When I was childhood, I need
to travel one hours & 30 minutes to go my primary school at Gorkha.
Because of my childhood bad experience of Nepal education system & opportunity for education, I wanted to change something for new generation.
In the same time, with help my cousin brothers Kabindra Pant, who lived in Japan, I had met two young Japanese student name- Takanobu Takeuchi& Ideda who
were studying in Keio University in Japan. I have shared them my interest to support Nepalese student in government school of Nepal & we have founded one volunteer organization in year
2009AD- Which name was KIVO.
Childrens are pillars of nation in each country, they can change community, national & world, i am aware about it, so far, the situation of children were worst
even world turned 21Th century. In order to make change many government school of Gorkha & their children, I porpose to support KIVO & heping those people in Nepal.
KIVO itself very popular project for bridging Japanese student & Nepali student in history of both country. Its a very good project to exchange & share ours
culture in grass root level. Now almost 500 KIVO Volunteers servce those nepalese communities, it is very helpful to change themselves. They supporting their education & empowering them to be
better person in future. Since 2009Ad, we have launched 2 program each years, it was amazing time with them. I could see much more smile of volunteer when they go community & support them.
All volunteers, having their good time & holiday with local, its makes me very happy & THEY HAD FACED a bit hard time & difference of culture & people in
I think always, because of KIVO project, there are many chances to be together Japanese & Nepali people at one place . Share a idea & views,
exchanging the culture, supporting community & children, guide the way of development in local level, its a kind of home stay base tourism in Nepal, it is playing vital role. I wish, that
this project can be run & take a glorious importance in history. I thought, this type of project can be run hundreds & hundred years from Japan to Nepal & Nepal to Japan. People can
remembers all of us in History.
Time to time. we must cage the mission goal of project & keep going this project un future. I always be proud of founder co coordinator of this project. I am
always happy to support this project in my life time.
Thanking you so much for founders, all past leaders, member leaders, members, supporters & well wishers of KIVO project since beginning to till
Susil Pant
私、SUSIL PANTは、1976年にGaikhur-6 Palumtar地区で生まれました。学位を取得した後、1999年から観光業に携わっています。私が子どもの頃、ゴルカの小学校に行くのに1時間30分の旅をしなければなりませんでした。
同じ頃、日本に住む従兄弟のカビンドラ・パント兄弟の助けを借りて、日本の慶応義塾大学で学んでいる2人の若い日本人学生、竹内孝信さんと出田さんに出会いました。 私は彼らに、ネパールの政府系学校に通うネパール人学生を支援したいという思いを伝え、2009年に1つのボランティア団体、KIVO(キヴォ)を設立しました。
Susil Pant (スシル パント)
Country Coordinator:
International Student cooperation Organization- KIVO Japan
Professional History & Sister Concern:
(Managing Director)
Gorkha International Travels (P.) Ltd.
Z Street, 29, Thamel Kathmandu, Nepal
Post Box: 3036
Tel: +977-1-4700541 or 4701012 or 4700402
Fax: +977-1-4700542
Email Address:gitt2ny@gmail.com & gorkha@wlink.com.np
Web Site: www.gtravel-nepal.com
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/
Cell Number: +977- 9851066916
Managing Director
Precious Voyage Educational Consultancy
Precious National College & Higher secondary school
Tourism Development Saving & Credit Cooperative P Ltd
Nepal Bar council & Kathmandu District Court
License number-15115
Social Voyage Nepal
Vice President:
Lions Club of Kathmandu, Swayambhu Town
Partners in Nepal (French Association):
Amis De Dhorpatan Chekok Alu
Founder Member/Legal Adviser:
Entire Power in Social Action Nepal
Founder & coordinator:
Kamaltar Community Health centre, Palumtar Gorkha, Nepal.